Owner’s Corner

Fifi Edem

Indie-publishing Consultant, Book Editor, Book Reviewer, Book Indexer, Book Collector, and Popcorn Cruncher.



Every aspect of bookmaking fascinates me—from how an author selects a title, to how they proceed to use words to build worlds which justify this description (or vice versa), to how an editor carefully measures and sieves every inscription to make sure it is worth its weight in ink, to the science of book indexing, to how a book designer interprets a story on the cover (and how little or how much he gives away in the process), to the interior font and layout decisions, to the economics of paper weight, to the inches of margin the printer decrees for the book, to the intrigues of new media—I am very much into the whole process of bookmaking.

As often as my economy permits, I collect books. I read most of them (at least a few chapters, and if it is that good I might get to the end), but some of the books I collect is just so I can admire how they are put together, and for the comfort of knowing there are still some writer sapiens in this world.

In a way, this is what New Books Nigeria is about. It is a place where I can collect books I don’t have to read or store, for that matter. I started the blog to keep up with who was publishing what and when as I can be quite hopeless with with author’s names and titles and publication dates. I also hope that listing these books will generate some interest for the authors and books listed.

I hope you enjoy looking at the information I’ve collected here and that you look for these books and read them, too!


You can contact me about jobs [see my services] by:

E-mail: efioanwanedem(at)gmail(dot)com

Mobile: +2348036970282



Tidbits . . .


Writing Contest: The Dusty Manuscript Contest

FARAFINA is pleased to announce The Dusty Manuscript Contest for Nigerian writers of genre fiction. The top three manuscripts will get the opportunity to be published under the Farafina Breeze imprint and win cash prizes. The top ten manuscripts will receive publication by Okadabooks on its electronic platform. The writers of the top twenty manuscripts […]

7 thoughts on “Owner’s Corner

  1. You are the one i have been searching for, if what this corner says about you and the services you provide are anything to go by. there are great many clueless writers like me out here who really should meet you.


  2. Am interested in your work, I need ideas about marketing books on e-bookshops. Please, kindly inform me more on that aspect.

    Best regards


  3. What is the rate at which inspirational book(not a novel) is being bought in Nigeria? People in Nigeria don’t read books like that. I will be so happy, could you tell me where there is a great market attraction for buyers in Nigeria!


  4. Pingback: Top 8 Book Review Blogs In Nigeria - Current News In Nigeria Today - Nigeria News Today Headlines

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